
We offer denture service to patients with missing teeth. There are two types of dentures: complete dentures and partial dentures. Complete dentures are used when all teeth are missing whereas partial dentures are used in cases when a patient still have some natural teeth remaining. Dentures can be made out of acrylic or metal (CR-Co).

Dentures offer several benefits:
Improve chewing function
Improve appearance
Improved speech function
Improve nutrition (due to improved chewing function)

Drawbacks of dentures:
Some patients struggle to get use to dentures
Dentures may move or shift during eating and talking
Over time, the jawbone gradually shrinks due to tooth loss and cause sunken-in cheeks.

Is there an alternative to dentures?
Yes, implants can be used to replace missing teeth and in cases where all teeth are missing implant supported bridges can be recommended. The cost is greater compared to dentures but dental implants and implant bridges do resemble and feel more like natural teeth.

Although dental implants are becoming a more popular option to dentures, not everybody is a candidate for implants.

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