Fillings & Replacement Fillings
Fillings are used to fix cavities or to replace an existing filling that has failed or broken off. There are different types of fillings. At our practice, we offer two types of fillings: white fillings and ceramic inlays/onlays. Our dentist will discuss which filling will be most suited for your dental needs.
What is a white filling?
A white filling is used to fill a cavity by placing the filling material directly into the cavity after it has been cleaned and prepared. It is thus referred to as a direct filling. A white filling hardens quickly and can be completed in one appointment.
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What is a ceramic inlay or onlay?
These type of fillings are custom made by a dental lab or in-house by our own CEREC milling machine. If the ceramic filling is made by a dental lab, the process typically takes 2 or more visits. However, should the ceramic filling be made in-house, you will be able to have the filling cemented to the broken tooth/cavity on the same day. This type of treatment is referred to as an indirect filling.

I have amalgam fillings, do I need to replace these?
Not all amalgam fillings need to be changed. Amalgam fillings only need to be changed if the margin (the interface between your tooth and the filling) begins to lift. Amalgam fillings tend to expand over a period of time, which may result in a tooth cracking due to years of use and expansion. If you are unsure on whether your amalgam needs changing, please discuss with one of our dentists. They will let you know when it is time to have your filling changed.