Specialist Dentistry
Oral Surgery
Our practice offers a variety of oral surgery procedures from simple to complex. We support local practices on a referral basis for the more complex procedures, however, anyone can make an enquiry without a referral.

Simple Extractions & Complex Extractions
An extraction is classed as simple when a tooth or teeth can be extracted without needing any additional procedures such as cutting the gum, cutting the bone or tooth itself. A complex extraction requires one or more of the latter procedures.
A General Dentist with experience in extractions should be able to perform a simple extraction.
In some cases it can be tricky to determine if a tooth will be a simple extraction or complex extraction by only examining an X-ray. Therefore some simple extractions may turn into complex procedures once the treatment is underway, and it becomes clear that additional procedures will be needed to extract the tooth successfully. In such cases, a more experienced clinician is needed to perform the additional procedures and we often receive referrals from local practices to assist with these cases.
What is the process?
At our clinic a patient will receive an X-ray prior to an extraction. Usually, for a simple extraction, an X-ray will be sufficient. However, you may be required to have an OPG should more information be needed to plan for the extraction. Patients who are referred will already have an X-ray from the referring Dentist and may not require any other imaging.
On the day of the extraction we recommend that you have had a small meal and not come on an empty stomach. Our clinician will explain the procedure to you in detail and will answer any questions you may have.
You will be given a local anaesthetic. You may feel some pressure during the extraction but no pain. Some patients prefer to have sedation.
After your extraction, our clinician and dental nurse will provide you with after care information and ensure that you are well enough before returning home.
We recommend that you take it easy for the rest of the day and avoid vigorous exercise. Most people are well enough to return to work the same day or the next day.
One of our staff members will follow up on how you are doing the following day.

Wisdom Tooth Removal
Wisdom tooth removal follows a similar process to simple and complex extractions. You will require an OPG as well as an X-ray. We can offer an OPG service on referral basis. Occasionally you may require a CBCT scan as well. If this is required, our surgeon will inform you and discuss it with you.
If you have any queries please contact us.

Impacted Tooth Exposure
Sometimes a tooth, particularly a wisdom tooth, may get stuck in the gum tissue or bone and not emerge. There are many reasons as to why this may happen such as overcrowding of the jaw. The tooth may also become twisted or tilted. Impacted teeth can cause serious complications and they often need advanced techniques to remove safely. Our surgeon at Sussex Implant Centre has the advanced training needed for these cases.
You may need a CBCT scan for this procedure, that we provide in-house. You may be referred by your own dentist or you may self-refer. If you have any queries please contact us.

Apicectomy is a procedure that is performed when a root canal treatment and re-root treatment were both carried out but were unsuccessful. The procedure involves removing the tip of the roots in order to remove any remaining infection.
Usually this treatment is recommended for a treated tooth with ongoing or returning infection but is otherwise in good condition. This allows you to keep a tooth that may have needed to be extracted.

Orthodontic Extractions
Our practice also accepts referrals for extractions as part of orthodontic treatment. Should you require this, please speak to your Orthodontist or contact us directly.
After we have received a referral, the same procedure will be followed as with all other extractions.